Catherine Fallon


Catherine holds a Master of Nutrition & Dietetics and a Bachelor of Exercise Science from Griffith University. She is a passionate Dietitian who is on a mission to help people improve their relationship with food and movement by developing balanced and sustainable lifestyle habits.

Catherine enjoys helping everyday people navigate the scientific evidence around the key pillars of health to nourish their bodies and feel their best on a daily basis.

She has over 10 years of experience helping individuals with a variety of issues including gut health, IBS, weight management, pre and post-natal, nutritional deficiencies, specific dietary intakes (vegan, plant-based, anaemia etc.), women's health and chronic disease management.

She has a particular interest in:

  • Women's Health

  • Gut Health

  • Weight Management

  • Chronic Disease Management

In her spare time, you’ll find Catherine growing and harvesting veggies on a local farm, chasing the sun at a beach, enjoying a restaurant meal, exploring nature or cooking a feast for friends.